What happens to our clan?
All clan information will be erased with the wipe - names, organisation and members. If you want to keep playing together, you’ll have to create the clan again on your new shard. We recommend that you liaise with your clan members to decide together on your new destination. New shard names are listed at the top of this FAQ.
Is our clan name reset?
Yes, your clan name is being reset, and you’ll need to recreate a clan from scratch on the new shard.
Our clan name is already used on our new shard, can you help?
While we understand your attachment to your unique clan name, we unfortunately cannot assist. Clan names are decided on a first come, first served basis, and that other clan was the first one to pick this name. We’re pretty sure you’ll come up with another cool name for your clan, though!
Just make sure to inform your clan members of the change, so they don’t apply to another clan.
Are characters removed from clans? Do they have to re-apply?
Yes, the whole clan structure is being wiped - this includes membership. Your current clanmates will need to re-apply to the new clan, so make sure to inform your members of where you’re going. Note that this is also a good opportunity to recruit new members (or to get rid of a few people discreetly ^^).
Our clan alderman never came back - what do we do?
You don’t need your clan alderman to create a clan on the new shard you’ve chosen. Just make sure that you discuss this with your clan members, to ensure you all end up on the same shard.
How can I know in advance what shard my clan members will choose? Will I get a notification in game, or do I have to actually talk to them ? (I don’t want to talk to them, I’m too shy!)
You will not know on which new shard your clan has decided to settle unless you talk with them. You can either poke them in game before the wipe or on the usual platform you’re using to discuss.
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