When are you wiping?
The wipe will occur during the maintenance, on November 5 at 9am UTC. Maintenance will last about 4 hours.
Why are you doing a wipe?
With this first Verse (content update), we’re changing the geography of the world of Pax Dei, allowing us to introduce a new biome, review the resource distribution, move the PVE locations - adding enemy camps in the process. We are also adjusting the borders of the Home Valleys in the process.
These changes require that we reset all the plots, as most of the places where they are currently placed will be transformed after the update. Your current home could end up at the bottom of a lake, or below a mountain! Fear not, the content of your plot is not lost and your characters are not affected (see below).
This wipe is also an opportunity to remove all inactive plots and gather the active player population on a new set of shards, which ought to provide a better gameplay experience as you’ll encounter more adventurers to play with. This fresh start will give each of you the chance to create new alliances, new buildings and, above all, new adventures.
What are you wiping?
Here is what will happen in a nutshell:
- All current shards will be deleted. A new set of shards will be available after the update.
- All plots will be removed, but we’re keeping their content for you - you’ll get all your materials back in a special inventory.
- All clans are wiped, and will have to be created again after the update.
- Your characters are nearly untouched - you gear and inventory will be removed and put in the special inventory (details below). You’ll need to select a new shard to play in, and a new name if yours is already taken.
All details are in the dedicated sections of the FAQ below.
Comments (1)
cant redeem cant find plot and not able to make new plot
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