Getting kicked back to the character selection screen workaround (Launcher only)

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  • Gary Bucher | Edited

    I tried this work around and my game would not even launch to the character select screen the launcher just sits there like it is trying to load the game.The file path you show is not found in my windows 11 install it the file is found at:Program Files (x86)\Pax Dei Launcher\resources\app.asar.unpacked\node_modules\@xsolla\launcher-core-win\bin\steam_api64.dll

  • Sunny Bunny251

    I tried this work around and it did nothing. Still get kicked back to the character screen.

  • Tony Bailous

    I tried this workaround also on Windows 11 also and made no change. TY

  • Drees Dreessen

    I have the same problem but sometimes I get into the game

  • Steffen Busch

    seit 3 tage komme ich nicht ins spiel ich spiele Charakter Auswahl Menü im Dauer grind... das ist echt traurig ticket werden ignoriert, habt ihr Wochenende??? ich bereue den kauf das ihr sowas nicht gefixt bekommt workaround bringt null komme nix zudem ist die steam datei nicht mit dem normal launche von euch zu tun hat...

  • mondo luna

    I did this work around and worked for me. thank you

  • Gary Bucher

    Mondo Luna which operating system are you using if you don't mind me asking?

  • mondo luna

    it worked for me windows 11, used the browse files from the launcher.

    I'm not using steam.


  • Gary Bucher

    Thanks Mondo, I'll give it a shot via that route.

  • Neville Barton

    tried this workaround in Windows 11. 


    Unfortunately it didn't work.


  • mondo luna

    Neville did you access the file under ... button next to the play button in the game launcher screen, click default then game, then engine folder, then binaires, then thirdparty , 

    the steamworks, then next 2 folders . the just change dll to bak 

  • Neville Barton

    I didn't Mondo, but have done here goes. I'm going in....


  • Neville Barton

    worked thanks.


  • Alan Freeland

    when i change the file it wont let me login just says steam not found.

  • mondo luna | Edited

    alan did you use the browse file option from the game launcher screen?


  • Japhe Newlin

    What if we WISHED we could return to the character selection screen without exiting the game entirely?

  • Amy Gerber

    Just tried the workaround, did not work

  • Sean Leathers

    I tried this using Steam and now I can't even get to the character menu.

  • Matt Kennedy

    Is it possible to login into the game from a steam account?  The Character selection loop has persisted for me since purchase (via Steam).  Is there a solution?


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